Woodside Portola Valley Rotary Club + Rebuilding Together Peninsula

On the last Saturday of April, as they have done for many years, The Woodside Portola Valley Rotary Club and Hayes Group Architects teamed up on National Rebuilding Day to make the lives of our neighbors better.

National Rebuilding Day is organized by Rebuilding Together Peninsula, the Redwood City affiliate of the national organization, Rebuilding Together, a non-profit organization committed to keeping people safe, warm, and independent in their homes. This year the team of volunteers scraped, sanded and prepared the home of an elderly woman in San Mateo for an afternoon of painting. With buckets of paint, brushes and rollers in hand the group laid out a plan and painted the entire exterior of the home.

The homeowner was so grateful the majority of the paint made it on her house and the Rotary Club of Woodside Portola Valley and Hayes Group Architects were happy they helped someone in need, honed their painting skills and had fun.